A Multi-machine Collaborative Weld Trajectory Planning Method Based on Finding the Best Initial Weld Position

Hongmin Wang, Jiangyuan Li,Jingbin Liang, Meng Jiang, Yingying Song,Zengxi Pan,Fuqin Deng

2023 7th International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE)(2023)

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In order to make each robot complete its own assigned tasks flexibly and effectively for multi-robot collaborative welding applications, this article proposes a multi-robot collaborative welding trajectory planning method based on finding the best initial welding position. Firstly, the kinematic relationship is analyzed for individual robots in multi-robot collaborative welding;secondly, the constraints are considered, and the optimization objective function is established by synthesizing the evaluation of the operability and the global joint change in the multi-robot collaborative welding system; finally, using the Harris hawk optimization algorithm combined with the optimization objective function and constraints, the initial welding position for the best comprehensive performance is solved in the simulation software and the corresponding trajectory is outputed. Furthermore, the inappropriate position is selected for reverse solution and the results show that when the welding task is completed at the best initial welding position, the trajectory of each robot is stable and the change of the whole joint is small, and all the constraints are met.
multi-robot cooperation,harris hawk optimization algorithm,initial welding position,trajectory planning
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