
Impact of Complementary Irrigation on Soil Properties in the Argentine Pampas

M. J. Lopez de Sabando, J. M. Gutierrez,M. Diaz-Zorita


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The growing application of complementary irrigation in extensive agricultural systems in the Pampas region (Argentina) has increased the frequency of disturbed soil cases. Irrigation management requires appropriate indicators for decision-making in order to avoid disturbance in soil quality. Among these indicators, the use of the sodium adsorption ratio adjusted by the dilution factor (SARdf), which considers the contributions of irrigation water and rainfall during the period projected, could be a sensitive tool. Based on studies conducted under extensive conditions of agricultural production, the objectives of this work were to (i) quantify the changes in the soil chemical and physical properties caused by the use of complementary irrigation with sodium bicarbonate water; (ii) establish relationships between the changes in the chemical and physical properties of the soil; (iii) validate the use of SARdf as a tool to help manage complementary irrigation; and (iv) identify the threshold values to be considered when monitoring and analyzing the evolution of soil properties in areas under complementary irrigation. Twenty-three sites under dryland and irrigated conditions were evaluated. With increasing SARdf, an increase was also recorded in surface bulk density (r = 0.59), subsurface bulk density (r = 0.50), electrical conductivity (r = 0.30; 0.41), pH (r = 0.56; 0.70) and exchangeable sodium ratio (ESR) (r = 0.45; 0.77), measured in the layers up to 0.10 m and up to 0.20 m in depth. The ESR was evaluated as a sensitive indicator of the effects of irrigation on the physical and chemical properties of soils. In the predominant Typic Argiudoll conditions of the Pampas region, it is advisable to avoid the complementary application of water with a SAR dilution factor greater than 3.0. This threshold value was associated with a > 60% reduction in basic infiltration. In climate change scenarios, the use of SARdf can help plan the proper management of complementary irrigation.
SAR dilution factor,Infiltration,Exchangeable sodium,No-till,Extensive agriculture,Climate change
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