Capacity determination of renewable energy systems, electricity storage, and heat storage in grid-interactive buildings


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If renewable energy systems, electricity storage equipment, and heat storage equipment do not have a reasonable capacity, then a large amount of energy will be wasted even if the supply and demand sides have rational energy scheduling, affecting the safe and stable operation of a power grid. The rational allocation of energy storage equipment and renewable energy systems can significantly improve the power flexibility potential of buildings, save equipment costs, and prevent the occurrence of light and electricity abandonment. In this study, the flexible allocation strategy model proposed in previous studies is modified to determine the reasonable capacity of renewable energy systems, electricity storage equipment, and heat storage equipment in grid-interactive buildings. The modified capacity determination model can also be used to determine the operation strategy of each flexible source under reasonable capacity. Under extreme weather conditions, the upper and lower limits of the power stability coefficients of various cases in this study are 110 % and 94 %, respectively, and the frequency of the extremum is relatively low. The power and thermal flexibility coefficients during the peak period of electricity consumption are both 1, indicating that the flexible potential and utilization are reasonable.
renewable energy systems,electricity storage,heat storage,capacity,grid-interactive
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