Effect of material inhomogeneity on constraint loss measured with subsized C(T) fracture specimens of a reactor pressure vessel steel


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In this study, the fracture behavior of the low-alloy reactor pressure vessel JRQ steel was investigated in the ductile-to-brittle transition region with two different subsized compact tension fracture specimens: 0.18T C(T) and 0.5T C(T). The specimens were extracted from two thin plates (surface and middle) of the large JRQ steel plate, which is well-known to be macroscopically inhomogeneous in terms of brittleness. In particular, the reference temperature T0 as defined in the ASTM-E1921 standard was calculated for the two plates with the 0.18T C(T) and 0.5T C(T) specimens. A significant difference in the reference temperature T0 of more than 90 degrees C as determined with the 0.5T C(T) data was found between the two plates indicating a clear macroscopic in -homogeneity between the two depths. The measured toughness of 0.18T C(T) specimens and corresponding T0 evaluation showed that the effect of constraint loss was more pronounced for the middle plate due to its lower strength and that the constraint loss effect can be confounded with inhomogeneity. A local approach to fracture model was applied to account for the constraint loss by calibrating a criterion based on critical stressed volume V* and critical stress sigma* obtained by finite element simulations. A big difference in the local fracture stress sigma* between the two plates was found and based on the deduced local criterion it was shown that the measured 0.18T toughness can be effectively predicted within the temperature range of the ductile-to-brittle transition.
Master -Curve,Miniaturized fracture specimen,Finite element simulation,Ferritic steel,Constraint loss,Inhomogeneity
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