
Identification and analysis of green marketing components: a qualitative study in dairy industries

تعاون و کشاورزی(2023)

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Along with the expansion of environmental challenges, the demand for green products has increased significantly, and the companies that produce these products need a deeper understanding of green marketing components. Based on this, the current study seeks to identify and analyze green marketing components in dairy industries.Methodology/approach. The current study identified the components of green marketing using the inductive content analysis approach. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The participants included experts in the field of food industry and dairy industry owners. They were selected using purposeful sampling.Findings and conclusions. The findings indicate that green marketing consists of 11 components and 51 sub-components (sub-categories). These components include green marketing strategy, corporate social responsibility, green product, green production, environmental laws and standards, consumers' intention to purchase dairy products, green marketing orientation, green promotion, green distribution, green price, and green innovation and change management.Originality. Despite the importance of environmental challenges and the tendency of consumers to buy green products, previous studies have mainly focused on analyzing the intention and behavior of consumers of green products, and so far, a comprehensive analysis of green marketing components in the country's food industry has not been carried out. Based on this, the current research is an attempt to fill this research gap and provide a useful framework for green marketing in this industry.
green marketing,dairy industry,content analysis
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