
Reinterpreting Glacial Deposits As a MTD Ponding Sediment Gravity Flows in the Upper Mojón De Hierro Formation (tepuel–genoa Basin, Argentina)


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The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) was the longest and most extensive glacial interval during the Phanerozoic, lasting from the Late Devonian to the late Permian (362–254 Ma). Numerous questions remain on the spatial and temporal extent of the ice centers, the timing of expansion and contraction of the ice sheets, and the distribution of ice across Gondwana through time. The Tepuel–Genoa Basin, in Patagonia (Argentina) was situated within the paleo South Polar Circle and contains a nearly continuous lower Carboniferous (Tournasian) to lower Permian (Artinskian) succession. The Mojón de Hierro Formation has been described as both non-glacial and glacial in origin, but lacks detailed sedimentological descriptions. This research investigates a ∼50 m succession with sedimentological and geochemical analysis within strata in the upper portion of the Mojón de Hierro Formation at Arroyo Garrido (Chubut Province). Five stratigraphic sections were measured and the strata were categorized into five lithofacies: 1) deformed sandstones, 2) thin-bedded diamictites, 3) graded rhythmites, 4) laminated mudstones with dispersed clasts, and 5) laminated mudstones. Deposition occurred in a slope environment from debris flows, turbidity currents, mass-movements, hemipelagic sedimentation, and ice rafting. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) indicates values similar to average marine shales, which suggests that the muds were supplied from temperate terrestrial sediment sources. This indicates that icebergs from a distant source transited the basin and grounded glaciers were not present in the catchment area. Vanadium/chromium ratios (V/Cr) indicate dysoxic (restricted water circulation) values in samples between the mass-transported blocks and oxic values (well circulated water) in samples stratigraphically above the filled/leveled ponded mini basin. These oxygenation conditions suggest that the mass-transport deposit formed a topography on the sea floor, resulting in a mini basin that ponded sediments within the blocks. A local glacial source was not substantiated for the upper Mojón de Hierro Formation at Arroyo Garrido neither through the detailed facies analysis nor through geochemical proxies.
Late Paleozoic Ice Age,Mass-transport deposits,Patagonia,Ponded mini basin,Geochemical proxies
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