
Optical frequency divider: Capable of measuring optical frequency ratio in 22 digits

H. Shi,Y. Jiang, Y. Yao, B. Li, C. Wang, H. Yu, L. Ma

APL Photonics(2023)

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Recent advances in optical frequency standards and optical frequency combs (OFCs) have drawn wide attention since by transforming other quantities into frequency metrology, a higher measurement sensitivity or accuracy can be achieved. Among them, the search for dark matter, tests of relativity, and detection of gravitational wave anticipate even more precise frequency ratio measurement of optical signals, which challenges the state-of-the-art optical frequency standards and OFCs. Here, we report an optical frequency divider (OFD) based on a Ti:sapphire mode-locked laser, which can realize ultraprecise optical frequency ratio measurements and optical frequency division to other desired frequencies. The OFD is based on an OFC frequency-stabilized to a hydrogen maser, whose frequency noise in optical frequency division is subtracted via the transfer oscillator scheme. An optically referenced radio frequency time-base is introduced for the fine-tuning of the divisor and the reduction in division noise. Using the OFD, the frequency ratio between the fundamental and its second harmonic of a 1064 nm laser is measured with a fractional uncertainty of 3 x 10(-22), nearly five times better than previous results. Meanwhile, we also report the ability to transport between laboratories, the long-term operation, and the multi-channel division of the OFD.
optical frequency divider,optical frequency ratio
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