Colon micro- and macrooesofagisation in interposed pedicled colonic right half segments for esophagus reconstruction


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Treatment of esophageal burns may require surgical transplantation (interposition) of the colon or stomach. The interposed parts change their function and morphology. To investigate the macro- and microchanges in the transplanted colonic segment we analyzed in long-term follow-up (up to 29 years) the group of 21 patients in a retrospective study who underwent surgical interposition of pedicled colonic right half segments for esophageal burns. The data were analyzed statistically with the software package Statistica 13 (StatSoft Polska, Cracow). All calculations were performed with a significant level of P = .05. We evaluated the macro- and microanatomy of the grafts using radiology, endoscopy and histology. The adaptation of the transplanted tube was excellent. The diameter of the colonic tube was normal (35-60 mm) in 60% of females and 100% of males. Typical macrooesophagisation was found in all patients, while microoesophagisation involved inflammation, which gradually resolved over a period of about 5 years to be replaced by edema without fibrosis. Only in few patients persistent reflux was present, leading to erosions or ulcerations. All symptoms subsided after conservative treatment. We concluded macrooesophagization developed gradually after surgery, and was fully developed after 15 to 20 years. Microoesophagization appeared soon after interposition, and was obvious after 5 years. No metaplasia or dysplasia were observed (except in 1 patient), and the number of goblet cell remained constant.
esophagus reconstruction,colonic right half segments,colon,macrooesofagisation
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