
Induction of Apoptosis by Cynaropicrin in Human Colon Cancer Cell Line HCT-116 through the Mitochondria-mediated Apoptotic Pathway

Lei Wang, Xiaoqin Bie,Suresh Mickymaray,Abdulaziz S. Alothaim, Yan Pei, Huaping Gong


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Background: Colon cancer continues to be the third most commonly occurring cancer around the globe with both lifestyle-related risk factors and genetic dispositions. Owing to the increased incidence of the disease, there is a need to find new treatment options which are easily accessible and less toxic to the cells. Cynaropicrin, a sesquiterpene extract from the artichoke plant exhibits varied properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant among others. In the current investigation, the anti-cancer potential of the cynaropicrin extract was observed against colon cancer in HCT-116 cell lines. Materials and Methods: The drug exhibited a considerable decrease in cell proliferation. Also analyzed was the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and apoptosis induction by cynaropicrin on the HCT-116 cell line. The AO/EtBr staining confirmed the apoptotic induction through chromatin condensation by fluorescence microscopic examination followed by DAPI staining of the treated HCT-116 cells which showed nuclear condensation and disintegration. Results: Furthermore, it was observed that cynaropicrin elevated the levels of ROS in the cells which modified the mitochondrial membrane permeability in the HCT-116 cell lines. The study also evaluated the levels of apoptotic proteins and the expression of inflammatory cytokines concerning cells treated with cynaropicrin and untreated control cells. Conclusion: It has been observed that cynaropicrin treatment can lead to apoptosis in the HCT-116 cell line via mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway and if further evaluated, it can turn out to be a potent anti-cancer drug for effective management of colon cancer.
Colon cancer,cynaropicrin,apoptosis,HCT-116 cell line,reactive oxygen species
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