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Monitoring Polymeric Fouling in a Continuous Reactor by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy


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Monitoring early stages of polymeric deposit formation and its prevention were studied by in-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in a continuously operating reactor employed for polymer production. An EIS flow cell was designed and employed during the emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate. The electrochemical analysis of the complex impedance at the solution/reactor interface allows the time-resolved detection of film formation processes. In comparison to oxide-covered stainless steel, an anti-adhesive sol-gel coated alloy showed a significant inhibition of poly(vinyl acetate) fouling. The EIS-based approach proved to be a valuable tool for monitoring both thin barrier film performance and fouling processes under harsh process conditions. In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was applied for detection of fouling in the initial stages of film formation during emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate in a technical microreactor. Fouling formation was followed time dependent on stainless steel and on a barrier coating which showed anti-adhesive properties against polymeric deposits. image
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Anti-adhesive films,Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,Emulsion polymerization,Polymer fouling,Poly(vinyl acetate)
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