A Universal Strategy for Modular Tunable Full-Color Circularly Polarized Luminescent Materials with Afterglow

Tong Wang,Siyu Sun, Xiangyu Jiang,Xiang Ma


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Circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) has shown significant potential for use in optoelectronic information and biomedical applications. Previously, the construction of CPL in thin films has often required the introduction of chiral groups into the system, which is efficient but complicated to synthesize and separate enantiomeric isomers. This manuscript proposes a simple and efficient strategy to construct dye-doped polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) thin films with controlled orientation of the panchromatic CPL signal. This strategy can be generalized to the construction of thin-film CPL. Besides, the metal-free pure circularly polarized afterglow material is reported here to be adjustable. Moreover, the PVA films can be cut and stacked in a modular way to obtain different emission effects to induce mixed CPL, and three primary colors can be piled up together to induce white CPL. The PVA film has good prospects for use in optical devices, for example, anti-counterfeiting of information and optical information encryption. An ordered polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) matrix is constructed by doping different dyes into PVA films and stretching the films uniformly to create an asymmetric system that induces specific emitting circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). Based on this strategy, the films with terephthalic acid are doped to obtain amorphous metal-free afterglow CPL. In addition, white-light emitting CPL is further constructed by combining the cuts of the films in a simple and efficient way. This strategy is promising for applications in areas such as information encryption.image
circularly polarized afterglow,full color circularly polarized luminescence,metal-free amorphous materials,modular application,tunable circularly polarized luminescence
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