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Quantitative Identification of Driver Distraction: A Weakly Supervised Contrastive Learning Approach


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Accurate recognition of driver distraction is significant for the design of human-machine cooperation driving systems. Existing studies mainly focus on classifying varied distracted driving behaviors, which depend heavily on the scale and quality of datasets and only detect the discrete distraction categories. Therefore, most data-driven approaches have limited capability of recognizing unseen driving activities and cannot provide a reasonable solution for downstream applications. To address these challenges, this paper develops a vision Transformer-enabled weakly supervised contrastive (W-SupCon) learning framework, in which distracted behaviors are quantified by calculating their distances from the normal driving representation set. The Gaussian mixed model (GMM) is employed for the representation clustering, which centralizes the distribution of the normal driving representation set to better identify distracted behaviors. A novel driver behavior dataset and the other three ones are employed for the evaluation, experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach has more accurate and robust performance than existing methods in the recognition of unknown driver activities. Furthermore, the rationality of distraction levels for different driving behaviors is evaluated through driver skeleton poses. The constructed dataset and demo videos are available at
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Behavioral sciences,Vehicles,Feature extraction,Transformers,Training,Decoding,Support vector machines,Driver distraction quantification,weakly supervised contrastive learning,representation clustering
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