
Applying the Solar Solid Particles As Heat Carrier to Enhance the Solar-Driven Biomass Gasification with Dynamic Operation Power Generation Performance Analysis

Zhang Bai, Yucheng Gu,Shuoshuo Wang, Tieliu Jiang, Debin Kong,Qi Li

Applied energy(2023)

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Solar-driven biomass gasification is a promising technology to improve the utilization efficiency of solar energy and biomass, which also enhances the thermochemical storage and the subsequent stable utilization. Whereas, the intermittence of solar energy deteriorates the stability and continuity of the thermochemical reaction process, which limits the efficient conversion of the reaction. In this regard, this work proposes a new solar-driven biomass gasification technology based on solid particle heat carrier. Different from the direct solar-driven gasification, solid particles are performed as medium to receive the concentrated solar radiation energy and transfer energy to biomass feedstocks. In addition, the combined power generation scenario is adopted to evaluate the thermodynamics and economics of the technology. The integration of solid particle heat storage, the system dispatch and stable operation will be further enhanced. Results show that under the optimal condition, the system maximum thermal and exergy efficiencies are increased by 12.94% and 12.51%, respectively. Considering the system off-design operation, with the evaluated typical periods of four seasons, the averaged power generation efficiency is increased by 5.16%, with the highest efficiency improvement of 9.41% occurring in the typical winter days. With the change of receiver price and biomass price, the maximum decline of levelized cost of electricity reaches to 17.6%, which presents the favorable economic benefits. As a new solar thermochemical technology, this technology exhibits competitive characteristics, significantly improving the utilization efficiency of solar and biomass energy.
Solar gasification,Solar particles,Solar power generation,Solid heat carrier,Dynamic evaluation
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