
Irradiated Mechanical Properties Predicted by a Machine Learning Method with the Fourier-transform-based Feature Extension

Journal of nuclear science and technology(2023)

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High-dimensional nonlinear relationships between the irradiated yield strength and its influencing factors, including doses, temperatures, and crystal structures, are difficult to explicitly characterize in the absence of a comprehensive database. In this study, we developed a machine learning method with the Fourier-transform-based feature extension, successfully constructing the prediction model of irradiated yield strength by a relatively small and sparse database of irradiated material properties. The analysis suggests that the proposed feature extension method improves the training performances of machine learning with small dataset. And the present model is accurate and feasible for predicting the irradiated yielding behaviors. Furthermore, we attempt the inverse machine learning model to determine material properties and irradiation conditions according to the desired yield strength. Since the parameter combinations commensurate with a fixed strength are diverse, the optimal model is helpful in reversely calculating and optimizing material performances. The data-driven machine learning method, which can detect the implicit correlations among numerous data, exhibits great prospects in investigating irradiated mechanical properties and exploring multiscale links in the nuclear material field. This work holds the promise for optimizing the design of in-pile structural components and can be further extended to other machine learning problems with the small dataset.
Yield strength,machine learning,irradiation,dimensional extension method of feature vector,supported vector machine for regression
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