
Trends in Brazil's Forestry Education-Part 2: Mismatch Between Training and Forest Sector Demands


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This study used four surveys to capture perceptions of the current scenario of the forest sector and on the trends of the sector regarding human resources. The aim was to investigate the skills entailed by the profession from the viewpoint of professionals, taking into account job offers and the opinion of new college graduates. All surveys were analyzed using proportions and mean estimates. The first survey on forest organizations indicated a shortage of qualified professionals for the job market as well as a lack of training in behavioral skills (soft skills), pointed out by 100% of the organizations surveyed. We identified a gap between the importance given to certain skills and the performance of new college graduates in their academic training. Behavioral skills, such as communication, problem solving, leadership, and proactivity were considered of high importance; nevertheless, new graduates usually lacked these soft skills. In addition, a gap was identified in areas of knowledge not traditionally addressed in forest-engineering programs, such as REDD+ mechanisms, carbon market, and landscape management. The third and fourth surveys point to a convergence between job requirements from candidates and the responses of new graduates about the skills they consider important for their professional career. A three-line discussion is suggested, encompassing extension activities and professional experience in the academic world, bringing academia closer to job-market requirements, and including curriculum changes to follow current trends.
skills,employers,higher education,professionals
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