
A Block Partitioning Method for Region Exhaustive Test to Reduce the Number of Test Patterns and Improve Gate Exhaustive Fault Coverage

2023 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT)(2023)

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In gate-exhaustive test that covers cell-internal defects in a circuit, there exists a proportional relationship between the number of gates and the number of gate-exhaustive faults. Thus, the numbers of gate-exhaustive faults and test patterns increase when the number of gates increases. Region-exhaustive fault model has been proposed to reduce the number of gate-exhaustive faults. In region-exhaustive test, a block which is constituted from some gates is recognized as region. A circuit is partitioned into several block such that the number of region-exhaustive faults become smaller than that of gate-exhaustive faults. However, in region-exhaustive test, the number of test patterns is large compared with gate-exhaustive test and the fault coverage is low. Moreover, the gate-exhaustive fault coverage has not been evaluated with test patterns generated for region-exhaustive faults. In this paper, we propose a block partitioning method which consider untestable faults in gate-exhaustive test and the number of inputs for a region in order to reduce the number of test patterns and to maintain the gate-exhaustive fault coverage.
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