The point insertion technique and open $r$-spin theories II: intersection theories in genus-zero

Ran J. Tessler, Yizhen Zhao


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The papers [5, 3, 6, 19, 20] initiated the study of open $r$-spin and open FJRW intersection theories, and related them to integrable hierarchies and mirror symmetry. This paper uses a new technique, the point insertion technique, developed in the prequel [36], to define new open r-spin and open FJRW intersection theories. These new constructions provide potential candidates for theories whose existence was conjectured before: $\bullet$ K. Hori [23] predicted the existence of open $r$-spin theory with $\lfloor\frac{r}{2}\rfloor$ types of boundary states. The one constructed in [5, 3] has only one type of boundary state. In this work we describe $\lfloor\frac{r}{2}\rfloor$ open $r$-spin theories, labelled by $\mathfrak{h}\in\{0,\ldots,\lfloor\frac{r}{2}\rfloor-1\},$ where the $\mathfrak{h}$-th one has $\mathfrak{h}+1$ boundary states. We prove that the $\mathfrak{h}=0$ theory is equivalent to the [5, 3] construction, and calculate all intersection numbers for all these theories. $\bullet$ In [1] K. Aleshkin and C.C.M. Liu conjectured the existence of a quintic Fermat FJRW theory. We construct such an FJRW theory, and provide evidence that this is the conjectured theory. We also explain how the point insertion technique can be used for constructing other open enumerative theories, satisfying the same universal recursions.
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