Coverage-Validity-Aware Algorithmic Recourse.


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Algorithmic recourse emerges as a prominent technique to promote the explainability, transparency and hence ethics of machine learning models. Existing algorithmic recourse approaches often assume an invariant predictive model; however, the predictive model is usually updated upon the arrival of new data. Thus, a recourse that is valid respective to the present model may become invalid for the future model. To resolve this issue, we propose a novel framework to generate a model-agnostic recourse that exhibits robustness to model shifts. Our framework first builds a coverage-validity-aware linear surrogate of the nonlinear (black-box) model; then, the recourse is generated with respect to the linear surrogate. We establish a theoretical connection between our coverage-validity-aware linear surrogate and the minimax probability machines (MPM). We then prove that by prescribing different covariance robustness, the proposed framework recovers popular regularizations for MPM, including the $\ell_2$-regularization and class-reweighting. Furthermore, we show that our surrogate pushes the approximate hyperplane intuitively, facilitating not only robust but also interpretable recourses. The numerical results demonstrate the usefulness and robustness of our framework.
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