Unfavourable cardiovascular consequences of adult growth hormone deficiency

Orvosi hetilap(2023)

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The growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-1 (GH-IGF-1) axis plays a crucial role in maintaining the normal function of the cardiovascular system. Results of the last decades demonstrated that GH-IGF-1 takes part in regulating peripheral resistance and contributes to preserving physiological cardiac mass and left ventricular function. Vasculoprotective functions of the GH-IGF-1 axis are believed to counteract atherosclerosis. Unlike in childhood, when GH-deficiency results in growth retardation, GH deficiency does not cause specific symptoms in adults. Adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is characterized by a clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors resulting in a clinical picture similar to the metabolic syndrome. Besides visceral obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, novel cardio-vascular risk factors, such as chronic low-grade inflammation, oxidative stress and prothrombotic state have also been reported in AGHD and may contribute to the increased cardiometabolic risk. Based on a growing body of evidence, long-term GH-replacement improves lipid profile significantly and has a favorable impact on body composition, endothelial function, left ventricular mass as well as the novel, non-traditional cardiometabolic risk factors. Increased mortality associated with the disease is now considered to be multicausal and as such cannot be solely attributed to the GH-deficiency. The etiology of GH-deficiency, treatment of the underlying pathology as well as the inadequate treatment of coexisting hormonal deficiencies might also be responsible for the increased mortality. Nevertheless, in hypopituitarism, adequate replacement therapy including GH-substitution may result in a mortality that is comparable to the general population.
growth hormone,atherosclerosis,growth hormone deficiency,hypopituitarism,cardiovascular risk
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