
Nursing specification of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for severe and critically ill patients with COVID-19 (新型冠状病毒感染重型、危重型患者中西医结合护理规范)

ZHOU Jie (周洁), E Haiyan (鄂海燕), DENG Jianhua (邓建华), ZHANG Jing (张敬), HU Shirong (胡世荣), WANG Liangmin (王梁敏), TANG Ling (唐玲)


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In order to further strengthen the standardization and homogenization of nursing care for severe and critically ill patients and give full play to the advantages of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing, Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)commissioned the Beijing Office of TCM Nursing Capacity Improvement Project to organize the specialized group to compile Nursing Specification of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for severe and critical patients with COVID-19. This specification elaborates the nursing contents of integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for severe and critical patients with COVID-19 in detail, including etiology and pathogenesis, severe/critical high-risk groups, clinical classification and nursing measures, etc. Among them, nursing measures include disease observation and nursing, medication nursing, respiratory support care, prone position treatment and nursing, nutritional support nursing, general nursing, convalescent nursing, etc. This specification is convenient for clinical nurses in various medical institutions to use as reference, and provides reference for clinical application of integrated Chinese and western medicine in nursing severe and critical patients infected with COVID-19. (为进一步加强临床重型、危重型患者护理的规范化和同质化, 发挥中西医结合护理的优势, 北京市中医管理局委托北京市中医护理能力提升工程办公室组织专家编写了《新型冠状病毒感染重型、危重型患者中西医结合护理规范》。此规范对新型冠状病毒感染重型、危重型患者中西医结合护理内容进行了详细的阐述, 包括病因病机、重型/危重型高危人群、临床分型、护理措施等内容, 其中护理措施包括病情观察与护理、用药护理、呼吸支持护理、俯卧位治疗护理、营养支持护理、一般护理、康复期护理等内容, 方便各医疗机构临床护理人员参照使用, 为临床应用中西医结合护理新型冠状病毒感染重型、危重型患者提供参考。)
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