Procedure for extracting temporal structure embedded within psychophysical data

Behavior Research Methods(2023)

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The idea that mental events unfold over time with an intrinsically paced regularity has a long history within experimental psychology, and it has gained traction from the actual measurement of brain rhythms evident in EEG signals recorded from the human brain and from direct recordings of action potentials and local field potentials within the nervous systems of nonhumans. The weak link in this idea, however, is the challenge of extracting signatures of this temporal structure from behavioral measures. Because there is nothing in the seamless stream of conscious awareness that belies rhythmic modulations in sensitivity or mental acuity, one must deploy inferential strategies for extracting evidence for the existence of temporal regularities in neural activity. We have devised a parametric procedure for analysis of temporal structure embedded in behaviorally measured data comprising durations. We confirm that this procedure, dubbed PATS, achieves comparable results to those obtained using spectral analysis, and that it outperforms conventional spectral analysis when analyzing human response time data containing just a few hundred data points per condition. PATS offers an efficient, sensitive means for bridging the gap between oscillations identified neurophysiologically and estimates of rhythmicity embedded within durations measured behaviorally.
Neural oscillations,Temporal structure,Response time,Perceptual duration,Spectral analysis
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