Acoustic measurement framework for audio systems based on structured periodic test signals

2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)(2023)

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We introduce a framework for acoustic measurement that allows everyday sounds into acoustic measurement test signals and standard test signals such as swept-sine and MLS (Maximum Length Sequence). The framework extends our extended Time-Stretched-Pulse generation method and safeguarding method for any signals to make them appropriate for acoustic measurement. The extension uses the periodic nature of discrete Fourier transform combined with orthogonalization based on the Walsh-Hadamerd matrix. This framework enables simultaneous measurement of acoustic attributes such as linear time-invariant response, signal-dependent non-linear and time-invariant components, and random time-varying components. We also discuss and demonstrate practical scenarios in classes and laboratory lessons using tools developed based on the proposed framework.
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acoustic signal processing,discrete Fourier transform,orthogonal sequence,Walsh-Hadamard Matrix,simultaneous measurement
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