Foundation and large language models: fundamentals, challenges, opportunities, and social impacts

Devon Myers,Rami Mohawesh, Venkata Ishwarya Chellaboina, Anantha Lakshmi Sathvik, Praveen Venkatesh, Yi-Hui Ho, Hanna Henshaw,Muna Alhawawreh,David Berdik,Yaser Jararweh

Cluster Computing(2024)

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Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLMs) are models that are trained using a massive amount of data with the intent to perform a variety of downstream tasks. FLLMs are very promising drivers for different domains, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other AI-related applications. These models emerged as a result of the AI paradigm shift, involving the use of pre-trained language models (PLMs) and extensive data to train transformer models. FLLMs have also demonstrated impressive proficiency in addressing a wide range of NLP applications, including language generation, summarization, comprehension, complex reasoning, and question answering, among others. In recent years, there has been unprecedented interest in FLLMs-related research, driven by contributions from both academic institutions and industry players. Notably, the development of ChatGPT, a highly capable AI chatbot built around FLLMs concepts, has garnered considerable interest from various segments of society. The technological advancement of large language models (LLMs) has had a significant influence on the broader artificial intelligence (AI) community, potentially transforming the processes involved in the development and use of AI systems. Our study provides a comprehensive survey of existing resources related to the development of FLLMs and addresses current concerns, challenges and social impacts. Moreover, we emphasize on the current research gaps and potential future directions in this emerging and promising field.
Natural language processing,Foundation models,Large language models,Advanced pre-trained models,Artificial intelligence,Machine learning
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