Heatmap-Guided Balanced Deep Convolution Networks for Family Classification in the Wild

2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019)(2019)

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Automatic kinship recognition using Computer Vision, which aims to infer the blood relationship between individuals by only comparing their facial features, has started to gain attention recently. The introduction of large kinship datasets, such as Family In The Wild (FIW), has allowed large scale dataset modeling using state of the art deep learning models. Among other kinship recognition tasks, family classification task is lacking any significant progress due to its increasing difficulty in relation to the family member size. Furthermore, most current state of-the-art approaches do not perform any data pre-processing (which try to improve models accuracy) and are trained without a regularizer (which results in models susceptible to overfitting). In this paper, we present the Deep Family Classifier (DFC), a deep learning model for family classification in the wild. We build our model by combining two sub-networks: internal Image Feature Enhancer which operates by removing the image noise and provides an additional facial heatmap layer and Family Class Estimator trained with strong regularizers and a compound loss. We observe progressive improvement in accuracy during the validation phase, with a state of the art results of 16.89% is obtained for the track 2 in the RFIW2019 challenge and 17.08% of familly classification task on FIW dataset.
Deep Family Classifier,Family Class Estimator,familly classification task,FIW dataset,convolution networks,automatic kinship recognition,Computer Vision,blood relationship,kinship recognition tasks,family classification task,deep learning,internal image feature enhancer,image noise removal,heatmap-guided balanced deep convolution networks,Family In The Wild
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