
Efficient Method for Tomato Leaf Disease Detection and Classification Based on Hybrid Model of CNN and Extreme Learning Machine

Abhay Chaturvedi, Sirivella Yagnasree,Gunjan Chhabra, P. Chidambara Rajan,Amit Chauhan,Ramya Maranan

2023 4th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC)(2023)

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Through India, most people make a living through agriculture or a related industry. Crops and other agricultural output suffer significant quality and quantity losses when plant diseases are present. The solution to preventing losses in the harvest and quantity of agricultural products is the detection of these illnesses. Improving classification accuracy while decreasing computational time is the primary focus of the suggested method for identifying leaf disease in tomato plant. Pests and illnesses wipe off thousands of tons of tomatoes in India’s harvest every year. The agricultural industry is in danger from tomato leaf disease, which generates substantial losses for producers. Scientists and engineers can improve their models for detecting tomato leaf diseases if they have a better understanding of how algorithms learn to identify them. This proposed approaches a unique method for detecting diseases on tomato leaves using a five-step procedure that begins with image preprocessing and ends with feature extraction, feature selection, and model classification. Preprocessing is done to improve image quality. That improved K-Means picture segmentation technique proposes segmentation as a key intermediate step. The GLCM feature extraction approach is then used to extract relevant features from the segmented image. Relief feature selection is used to get rid of the categorization results. finally, classification techniques such as CNN and ELM are used to categorize infected leaves. The proposed approach to outperforms other two models such as CNN and ELM.
Extreme Learning Machine (ELM),K-Means Algorithm,Grey Level Co-occurence Matrix
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