All-purpose Health Monitoring Belt using HIoT Devices

Madhava Sai Chakka, Meka Moses Reddy, Sanikommu Sai Nitin Reddy, John Santosh Rudrapogu, Satish Thatavarti,V. Murali Mohan

2023 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS)(2023)

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With the wide deployment of sensors in everyday devices like smartwatches and mobile phones, traditional types of machinery are being replaced with advanced IoT (Internet of Things) devices that offer much better portability and flexibility. They have the added benefit of being easier to implement and producing data spontaneously. IoT has already had a powerful impact on the healthcare industry, creating a new niche of healthcare devices called HIoT (Healthcare Internet of Things). When implemented accurately HIoT devices have produced results that are far richer and more precise than previous data collection models. One of the issues with having numerous devices that record singular health data points is the wide range of heterogenous visuals that are generated. Additional efforts have to be made to analyze individual data points. Dispersions caused by the dynamicity of nodes used in data collection can also shape data visuals in ways that make it harder to comprehend. Throughout this article, the differences in data collected using HIoT devices against existing and broadly used clinical healthcare tools are explored. Additionally, the possibility of combining multiple HIoT devices to collect a range of health data points is delved into. Furthermore, an investigation into seeing if comprehensive visualizations, which in turn help healthcare professionals make swifter prognoses, is also probed. To test some of these theories an architecture for an all-purpose heart monitoring belt that is useful in creating multiple health data points is proposed. The expected goal is to see if the proposed design is theoretically capable of producing information that can be further analyzed on a cloud computing platform and processed with different machine learning techniques.
Internet of Things,Healthcare Internet of Things,Cloud Computing,Sensors,Machine Learning
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