A Design of Smart Locker System Based on IoT for Campus

Yuting Wu,Min Dong, Haobin Yang, Yuebin Huang, Xin Huang, Guanyu Chen,Sheng Bi

2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER)(2023)

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In campus, traditional lockers have some management and usage issues, even though they satisfy the storage needs of teachers and students. Furthermore, traditional lockers only consider the demand for personal items storage, while the demand for file exchange between teachers and students is increasing. Considering these needs, this paper proposes a campus intelligent locker system based on the Internet of Things (IoT), which aims not only to use lockers for traditional storage and access purposes but also for transferring files from one-to-many. This paper provides a detailed description of the system architecture and innovative features and demonstrates that system performance and security can be enhanced by certain methods. In terms of functionality, renters can not only use the locker themselves but also choose to share the locker's usage rights with multiple users, achieving the functionality of one person storing and multiple persons accessing. Users with usage rights can open the locker through a WeChat Mini Program or a retrieval code. The experiments prove the system's usability, high concurrency, and security, making it suitable not only for multiple universities but also for larger markets after further development and research.
smart locker,IoT,smart campus,file transfer
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