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A Circular Polarized Endfire Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Offset Double-Sided Parallel Strip Lines

2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China)(2023)

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This paper presents a novel design for an endfire leaky-wave antenna with high gain and circular polarized (CP) radiation. By etching a series of slots and metal pins on the offset double-sided parallel strip lines, the slots and the edges of the strip line can provide two fields with a 90° phase difference for CP radiation. Meanwhile, the Hanson-Woodyard condition is also met to realize the endfire radiation. To verify our conclusion, an antenna prototype is designed and simulated, the results show that the endfire antenna provides a maximum gain of 12.2 dBi and the maximum radiation efficiency is 90%. Furthermore, CP radiation capability is also validated through the axial ratio.
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circular polarized,endfire radiation,leaky-wave antenna,offset double-sided parallel strip lines
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