Environmental factor reversibly determines cellular identity through opposing Integrators that unify epigenetic and transcriptional pathways


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Organisms must adapt to environmental stresses to ensure their survival and prosperity. Different types of stresses, including thermal, mechanical, and hypoxic stresses, can alter the cellular state that accompanies changes in gene expression but not the cellular identity determined by a chromatin state that remains stable throughout life. Some tissues, such as adipose tissue, demonstrate remarkable plasticity and adaptability in response to environmental cues, enabling reversible cellular identity changes; however, the mechanisms underlying these changes are not well understood. We hypothesized that positive and/or negative "Integrators" sense environmental cues and coordinate the epigenetic and transcriptional pathways required for changes in cellular identity. Adverse environmental factors such as pollution disrupt the coordinated control contributing to disease development. Further research based on this hypothesis will reveal how organisms adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions, such as temperature, extracellular matrix stiffness, oxygen, cytokines, and hormonal cues by changing their cellular identities. Organisms adapt to environmental demands, ensuring their survival and well-being by modifying cellular identities, shaped by chromatin configurations. Here, we propose that environmental signals are sensed by "Integrators", orchestrating the epigenetic and transcriptional processes governing cellular identity. Adverse environmental factors such as pollution disrupt epigenetic control contributing to disease development.image
beige adipocytes,cellular identity,chromatin state,pollution,protein kinase,protein phosphatase,transdifferentiation
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