Real-life Implementation and Comparison of Authenticated Path Following for Automated Vehicles based on Galileo OSNMA Localization

Selim Solmaz,Georg Nestlinger, Karl Diengsleder-Lambauer, Roman Lesjak, Susanne Schweitzer,José M. Vallet García

2023 IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference (IAVVC)(2023)

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We present a comparative analysis of EGNSS-based path tracking with and without open service navigation message authentication (OSNMA), which was recently made available in mass market EGNSS (Galileo) receivers. The EGNSS receivers provide dual-band GPS L1/L2 and Galileo E1/E5a RTK positioning for cm-level GNSS localization. The path following task utilizes mainly the accurate RTK-assisted EGNSS position and heading information to track a reference path. The lateral error from the reference path is used as the correction signal for the tracking controller. We compare the performance of the tracking controller in an open-sky and urban setting within the Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse campus using an automated driving demonstrator vehicle. The positioning utilized two different OSNMA schemes, namely “strict” OSNMA solution that utilize only authenticated Galileo satellites or not using authentication, implying utilisation of all the available GNSS satellites.
EGNSS,Galileo,OSNMA,authenticated localization,path following
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