
Machine Learning Approach for Aircraft Performance Model Parameter Estimation for Trajectory Prediction Applications

2023 IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)(2023)

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Inaccurate prediction of aircraft trajectory by ground-based decision support tools (DST) is a major concern in air traffic management (ATM). Aircraft trajectory prediction tools rely on a simplified point-mass aircraft performance model (APM) to make their predictions. Even though the performance coefficients and weight of an aircraft are a vital part of the APM's predictions and accuracy, these coefficients are proprietary in nature and therefore, unavailable to DSTs. Current ATM research focuses on improving the estimate of some APM parameters by freezing all other coefficients. This simplified approach introduces unwanted sources of bias and negatively impacts the accuracy of the performance model. In this paper, we apply machine learning (ML) techniques for the simultaneous prediction of three key APM parameters (two drag coefficients and the initial aircraft weight). To accomplish this, we employ an ordinary differential equation (ODE) fitting approach to generate optimized APM parameter labels customized to each individual flight record. Subsequently, we train ML models to capture the relationship between the historical data and the optimized APM parameters. Two different ML model solutions are applied and APM coefficients are predicted for unseen flights. The results indicate that the ML models are able to capture the relationship between APM parameters and flight-related features with good accuracy.
trajectory prediction,machine learning,aircraft performance model,air traffic management,drag coefficients
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