Camera traps reveal a high prevalence of sarcoptic mange in red foxes from northern Spain

P. Barroso, P. Palencia


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The mite Sarcoptes scabiei affects numerous mammal species causing the sarcoptic mange, a widespread disease with relevance for wildlife conservation, welfare, and management. The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) could become infested by direct and indirect routes leading to external skin lesions potentially recognizable by devices such as camera traps (CTs). In the present study, 86 randomly placed CTs were used to investigate the apparent prevalence and severity of S. scabiei in a red fox population from northern Spain. Their potential environmental and population-related drivers were also assessed. A total of 341 independent encounters were examined to visually identify mange-compatible lesions. The apparent prevalence was 19.16% (confidence interval (CI) 95%: 15.08-23.80) of which 82.81% (CI95%: 71.33-91.10) were severe. Our results revealed that habitat attributes such as lower altitudes, higher coverage of water-linked habitats and woodland predominance, were significant predictors of the apparent risk of mange. The models also suggested that the apparent prevalence of mange was associated with poor body condition and elevated frequencies of spatial coincidence among fox encounters, which facilitates indirect transmission. Interestingly, we did not observe mange-compatible lesions in other sympatric wild species (>15,000 encounters examined). This could be explained by the mite's host specificity and the low probability that these other potential hosts use sites where transmission among foxes usually occurs, such as dens. This study illustrates how camera trapping can be used as an interesting tool for the surveillance of wildlife diseases, thus overcoming the logistic constraints derived from direct sampling and allowing the early detection and better management of pathogens in the riskiest areas.
Sarcoptes scabiei,Wild carnivore,Environmental drivers,Wildlife surveillance,Camera-trap,Vulpes vulpes
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