
Simultaneous Measurement of Sub-Femtosecond Timing Jitter in Two Frequency Channels by Using Time Stretched Self-Coherent Detection

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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The timing information between the pulses of a pair of pulses has been utilized in many applications such as time of flight imaging, LIDAR and optical sensing. The timing jitter between the two pulses in the pulse pair determines the measurement precision [1]. Recently, we have demonstrated timing jitter measurement at attosecond level by using dispersive time stretched self-coherent detection (TSSCD) technique [2]. Attosecond-level measurement is made possible by using the phase information of the beating-frequency signal (BFS) of the chirped pulses and the low noise floor of the laser source used in the measurement. The measurement in [2] is carried out for a single frequency channel. For multi-objective synchronous measurement and quasi-distribution sensing, the number of signal channel is more than one. Thus, simultaneous measurements of the timing jitters in multiple signal channels have to be made. In this work, we demonstrate simultaneous characterization of the timing jitter in two signal channels by using TSSCD. The phase change of the light in each frequency channel induced by the corresponding timing jitter can be independently determined from the BFS of the TSSCD system.
attosecond-level measurement,beating-frequency signal,chirped pulses,dispersive time stretched self-coherent detection,laser source,low noise floor,measurement precision,multiobjective synchronous measurement,multiple signal channels,optical sensing,phase information,pulse pair,quasidistribution sensing,signal channel,simultaneous characterization,simultaneous measurement,single frequency channel,sub-femtosecond timing jitter,time-of-flight imaging,timing information,timing jitter measurement
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