Single-Mode Quantum Non-Gaussian Light from Warm Atoms

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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Quantum non-Gaussianity (QNG) corresponds to an essential resource in many prospective applications of quantum technologies. QNG states of light have been demonstrated in a broad range of experimental platforms with various complementary advantages [1]. However, in order to allow for their direct and efficient utilization for interaction with the target quantum system, their degrees of freedom have to be well-defined and controllable. This imposes a requirement on the generation of QNG light in a single optical mode. While the intrinsic single-photon sources including trapped ions, atoms, or molecules, naturally offer a close-to a single mode emission, their technologically more accessible counterparts including majority of the solid-state emitters and sources based on heralded generation of nonclassical states in various parametric nonlinear processes typically provide a multi-mode output. Although several demonstrations of a single-mode operation of nonclassical light sources based on these platforms have been recently demonstrated, an unambiguous observation of a single-mode QNG light has never been presented.
nonclassical light sources,quantum nonGaussianity,quantum technologies,single mode emission,single optical mode,single-mode operation,single-mode QNG light,single-mode quantum nongaussian light,single-photon sources,target quantum system,technologically more accessible counterparts including majority
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