Retrieving Optical Information Through Propagation in Strongly Nonlinear and Turbulent Systems Using Neural Networks

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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Laser induced filamentation is a mature field of study with multiple applications [1], while Machine Learning has currently a strong presence in the field of Photonics [2], [3]. Combining techniques from both fields has led to the demonstration of reconstructing images from speckle patterns after the light propagation inside multimode fibers, optical waveguides, scattering, and turbulent media using neural networks [4]. Here we demonstrate that Machine Learning can also be used to even more complex and chaotic systems (both in space and time), like in the nonlinear propagation of intense ultrafast laser beams (filamentation). A mixture of nonlinear optical phenomena (Kerr self-focusing and plasma defocusing, space-time coupling, etc.) combined with nonlinear absorption induced thermal turbulence in gas and liquid media, leads to a chaotic distortion of the beam profile in the form of speckle patterns. These random intensity and phase profiles make impossible the transfer of information.
chaotic distortion,chaotic systems,complex systems,currently a strong presence,filamentation,intense ultrafast laser beams,light propagation,liquid media,Machine Learning,multimode fibers,neural networks [4],nonlinear absorption,nonlinear optical phenomena,nonlinear propagation,optical information,optical waveguides,phase profiles,random intensity,space-time coupling,speckle patterns,thermal turbulence,turbulent media
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