
City Glider: A Smart Local Bus System

Shreya Bhongale, Sakshi Budhia, Rakshit Singhal, Keshav Grover,Sashikala Mishra,Deepali Vora

2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)(2023)

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This project aims to create a real-time smart bus tracking system that will help to improve the current public bus service system while reducing the burden on the bus management team. In a nutshell, the poor performance of buses is due to all of the work being done manually. Furthermore, passengers get impatient while waiting at a bus stop since they do not know how long they would have to wait or when the next bus willarrive.The main objective of this paper is to give a digital platform to the current public bus service system, where the passengers don’t have to worry about the uncertainty of the bus arrival time at the bus stop. The proposed application provides the users a platform, where they can view the live location of the chosen bus, and get an estimate of the time taken by the bus to arrive at their bus stop. The passengers get to choose which bus to take so that they can reach their destination at the earliest, as the proposed model also lets the user know the approximate time taken to reach the destination. The passengers can book tickets as well as monthly passes using the proposed app, in turn saving their time. The proposed application gives the user the advantage of clicking on the emergency button if the user feels unsafe at any given point, which would alert the nearest police station and the emergency contacts of the user, by sending the live location of the user. Flutter has been used to create the frontend of the mobile application, with Firebase as its backend. The use of Google’s Distance Matrix API has been made to estimate the arrival time of the bus at the stop and to predict the time taken to reach the destination.
Digital Platform,Application,Frontend,Backend,Google Distance Matrix API
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