Contactless Privacy-Preserving Head Movement Recognition Using Deep Learning for Driver Fatigue Detection

2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)(2023)

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Head movement holds significant importance in con-veying body language, expressing specific gestures, and reflecting emotional and character aspects. The detection of head movement in smart or assistive driving applications can play an important role in preventing major accidents and potentially saving lives. Additionally, it aids in identifying driver fatigue, a significant contributor to deadly road accidents worldwide. However, most existing head movement detection systems rely on cameras, which raise privacy concerns, face challenges with lighting conditions, and require complex training with long video sequences. This novel privacy-preserving system utilizes UWB-radar technology and leverages Deep Learning (DL) techniques to address the mentioned issues. The system focuses on classifying the five most common head gestures: Head 45L (HL45), Head 45R (HR45), Head 90L (HL90), Head 90R (HR90), and Head Down (HD). By processing the recorded data as spectrograms and leveraging the advanced DL model VGG16, the proposed system accurately detects these head gestures, achieving a maximum classification accuracy of 84.00% across all classes. This study presents a proof of concept for an effective and privacy-conscious approach to head position classification.
Deep learning,RF sensing,Head Movement,UWB radar,Assistive Driving
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