Micro problems with Macro Consequences: Accumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Microplastics in Human Breast Milk and in Human Milk Substitutes


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Abstract Massive increases of industrial activities provide a modern human lifestyle with filled with advances and comforts in every field. However, such demands from consumers have brought several negative issues. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and a growing plastic usage together with the byproducts of their degradation, namely microplastics (MPs) are some of the current environmental problems found in every ecosystem, disturbing all forms of life. POPs and MPs accumulation are also found in products for human consumption including animal and vegetal food derivates, human milk substitutes and critically in human breastmilk. To date, it is currently unknown what are the effects of MPs and POPs when ingested during the first 1000 days of life that represents the first and most important stage for health programming of the offspring. Here, we will add epidemiological and clinical evidence supporting major sources of POPs and MPs in the ecosystem. Also, we will precisely describe the effect of POPs and MPs accumulation in animal- or plant- based infant formulas and human breastmilk, modulating health outcomes in the newborn. We conceive that this review provides a rational to incentive the POPs and MPs identification in human milk and human milk substitutes to provide an early and prompt advise avoiding susceptibility to negative health outcomes for the newborn during the first 1000 days of life.
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