Assessing the utility of high spectral resolution lidar for measuring particulate backscatter in the ocean and evaluating satellite ocean color retrievals


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Airborne high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) measurements of ocean particulate backscatter (bbp) offer dramatic improvements in spatiotemporal coverage over in situ techniques, filling observational "blind spots" that limit our ability to study ocean processes. However, the technique has been assessed in only a few limited cases, and uncertainties remain regarding its applicability across a diversity of optical domains. In this study, we present the first comprehensive comparison of bbp derived from airborne HSRL, satellite ocean color, and in situ measurements to increase confidence in HSRL bbp retrievals and to demonstrate the value of airborne HSRL for assessing/improving satellite ocean color algorithms. Retrievals of bbp performed using the NASA Langley HSRL1 instrument agreed with in situ measurements performed across a diversity of optical and ecological domains. Comparisons across multiple campaigns revealed regional and seasonal dependencies in the ocean color retrievals that likely resulted from applying a single configuration of the ocean color retrieval across multiple distinct domains. In two case studies, atmospheric measurements from HSRL-1 and systematic differences in bbp between HSRL and the 2018 NASA ocean color distribution provided evidence of insufficient atmospheric correction of the ocean color retrieval. These differences in bbp were absent from comparisons against the 2022 ocean color distribution, suggesting that changes made to the algorithm resulted in improved retrievals. These cases highlight the advantages of airborne HSRL for assessing and improving ocean color retrievals, namely its ability to provide simultaneous, independent profiles of atmosphere and ocean optical properties, and improvements in the spatiotemporal coverage of satellite matchups.
Backscatter,High spectral resolution lidar,Ocean color,Ocean particles,Aerosols,Validation
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