Effects of forest management on private lands in West Virginia on Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) and the avian community

Lincoln R. Oliver, Richard S. Bailey,Kyle R. Aldinger,Petra B. Wood,Christopher M. Lituma


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The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) supports private lands conservation projects across the United States to benefit imperiled focal wildlife species using conservation practices to restore habitat. The Cerulean Warbler Appalachian Forestland Enhancement Project (CWAFEP) was initiated in 2015 to help stabilize or reverse Cerulean Warbler population declines by using forest management to create or enhance breeding habitat on private lands in Appalachian focal areas. We evaluated Cerulean Warbler occupancy on CWAFEP sites treated using NRCS conservation practices to inform adaptive management strategies. We also assessed associated forest focal species' occupancy and species richness of avian guilds to evaluate the effects of conservation practice implementation on the avian community. We conducted point count surveys at 194 locations on 21 private properties enrolled in the CWAFEP in West Virginia during May - July 2019 and 2020. We compared occupancy among four treatments: reference, pre-treatment, 1-year post-treatment, and 2 - 4 years post-treatment sites. To examine how vegetation structure changes among treatments affected occupancy, we also collected and included vegetation variables. Cerulean Warbler occupancy estimates were not different among treatments, suggesting that post-treatment study sites surveyed did not achieve their goal of increasing Cerulean Warbler occupancy. Cerulean Warbler occupancy decreased by 91 % as elevation increased from 200 to 800 m and increased by 397 % as sapling cover increased from 0 to 100 %. Occupancy for three forest focal species (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Eastern Wood-pewee, and Scarlet Tanager) and species richness of four avian guilds also were not different among treatments. Thus, Cerulean Warbler occupancy and selected avian community demographics were not related to recent conservation practice implementation in the short-term (1 - 4 years post-treatment), but there are opportunities to improve NRCS conservation practice implementation for more effective Cerulean Warbler conservation. We suspect that the lack of differences in occupancy and species richness estimates was due to site selection related to ecoregion, small treatment areas, and challenges associated with private lands conservation efforts resulting in insufficient reduction in basal area. If NRCS conservation practices implemented through CWAFEP are going to help reverse Cerulean Warbler population declines, CWAFEP sites need to achieve the recommended basal area range of similar to 9.2 - 20.7 m (2)/ha (40 - 90 ft(2)/ac) during contract implementation. Our conclusions are critical to updating our knowledge for Cerulean Warbler best management practices and informing future regional conservation implementation.
Basal area,Bird community,Forest management,NRCS,Occupancy,Private lands
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