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Looking Inside Out: Anticipating Driver Intent from Videos

ICRA 2024(2024)

Cited 0|Views7
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Anticipating driver intention is an important task when vehicles of mixed and varying levels of human/machine autonomy share roadways. Driver intention can be leveraged to improve road safety, such as warning surrounding vehicles in the event the driver is attempting a dangerous maneuver. In this work, we propose a novel method of utilizing both in-cabin and external camera data to improve state-of-the-art performance in predicting future driver actions. Compared to existing methods, our approach explicitly extracts object and road-level features from external camera data, which we demonstrate are important features for predicting driver intention. Using our handcrafted features as inputs for both a transformer and a long-short-term-memory-based architecture, we empirically show that jointly utilizing in-cabin and external features improves performance compared to using in-cabin features alone. Furthermore, our models predict driver maneuvers more accurately and sooner than existing approaches, with an accuracy of 87.5% and an average prediction time of 4.35 seconds before the maneuver takes place. We release our model configurations and training scripts on
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Intention Recognition,Intelligent Transportation Systems,Human-Robot Collaboration
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