Efficient and Error-Resilient Data Access Protocols for a Limited-Sized Quantum Random Access Memory

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) is a critical component for loading classical data into quantum computers. While constructing a practical QRAM presents several challenges, including the impracticality of an infinitely large QRAM size and a fully error-correction implementation, it is essential to consider a practical case where the QRAM has a limited size. In this work, we focus on the access of larger data sizes without keeping on increasing the size of the QRAM. Firstly, we address the challenge of word length, as real-world datasets typically have larger word lengths than the single-bit data that most previous studies have focused on. We propose a novel protocol for loading data with larger word lengths $k$ without increasing the number of QRAM levels $n$. By exploiting the parallelism in the data query process, our protocol achieves a time complexity of $O(n+k)$ and improves error scaling performance compared to existing approaches. Secondly, we provide a data-loading method for general-sized data access tasks when the number of data items exceeds $2^n$, which outperforms the existing hybrid QRAM+QROM architecture. Our method contributes to the development of time and error-optimized data access protocols for QRAM devices, reducing the qubit count and error requirements for QRAM implementation, and making it easier to construct practical QRAM devices with a limited number of physical qubits.
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