How COVID-19 Pandemic affects Software Developers’ Wellbeing, and the New Trends in Soft Skills in Working from Home

Reyes Juárez‐Ramírez, Christian Navarro-Cota,Guillermo Licea, Samantha Jiménez, Verónica Tapia-Ibarra, César Arturo Guerra García, Héctor G. Pérez-González

Trudy Instituta sistemnogo programmirovaniâ(2023)

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The coronavirus COVID-19 swept the world in early 2020, working from home was a necessity. In the software industry, thousands of software developers began working from home, many did so on short notice, under difficult and stressful conditions. The emotions of developers can be affected by this situation. On the other hand, some well-known soft skills have been emphasized as required for working remotely. Software engineering research lacks theory and methodologies for addressing human aspects in software development. In this paper, we present an exploratory study focused on the developers’ wellbeing during pandemic, expressed as emotions, and the perceptions of the level in which soft skills are practiced/required in the working from home mode. The results show that high percent expressed to experience positive emotions, however, a portion of respondents expressed to feel negative emotions. In the case of soft skills, some of them are revealed as practiced in high level in working from home, but still there is not consensus.
software developers,wellbeing,software skills,working
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