3Economy+ Project Handbook: Study of regional economic, marketing and tourism development in three peripherical european territories: Alto Alentejo, Malta and Melilla

Miguel Ángel Castro,Miguel Ángel Montero Alonso,Beatriz Cortina Pérez, Silvia Corral Robles,Gemma Pérez-López, Ana Pérez de José, Carolina Oliveira Santos, Paulo Nuno Canário,Karsten Xuereb,Andrew Jones

Comares eBooks(2020)

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We want to thank all those people and institutions that, directly and indirectly, have made it possible for this manual to be in their hands, allowing this group of teachers and researchers to work together in its preparation. Firstly, to the three university education institutions participating in the project: Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre (Portugal), University of Malta (Institute for Tourism, Travel & Culture-UoM), and the University of Granada. From the highest positions of responsibility to its auxiliary staff, including the numerous departments, centres, colleagues and students that make up the team, they have facilitated to a lesser or greater extent the numerous procedures that have to be carried out for this multidisciplinary and international team to achieve the objectives that it had initially set itself. To the European Union and its higher education policies (Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education) for lending financial support to this project. To the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) for processing, we are guiding and advising on participation in the European educational projects mentioned above. To the authors and researchers cited throughout the work, since consulting their academic studies has allowed us to concretize and apply their knowledge to our areas of work. To the numerous entities and local public and private organizations (notably the associated partners) and that has allowed knowing the reality of the territories in situ, giving this way a very close and direct vision of the topics that are analyzed. To the editor, who relies on the quality of our work, and is allowing us to be disclosed. And finally to thank our families, because they allowed us to dedicate part of our free time to its elaboration.
tourism development,peripherical european territories,malta,marketing
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