Intraflagellar Transport 80 Is Required for Cilia Construction and Maintenance inParamecium tetraurelia

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology(2020)

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Abstract Intraflagellar transport ( IFT ) represents a bidirectional dynamic process that carries cargo essential for cilia building and the maintenance of ciliary function, which is important for the locomotion of single cells, intracellular and intercellular signalling transduction. Accumulated evidence has revealed that defects in IFT cause several clinical disorders. Here, we determined the role of IFT 80, an IFT ‐B protein that is mutated in Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. Using the RNA i method in the ciliate Paramecium as model, we found that loss of IFT 80 prevents cilia biogenesis and causes strong cell lethality. A specific antibody against IFT 80 was also prepared in our study, which labelled IFT 80 in cilia of Paramecium . GFP fusion experiments were performed to illustrate the dynamic movement of IFT ‐A and IFT ‐B proteins in cilia of Paramecium ; then, we found that the depletion of IFT 80 in cells prevents IFT ‐A and IFT ‐B proteins from entering the cilia. Our results showed the distribution change of other IFT proteins in cells that were depleted of IFT 80, and we discuss the possible roles of IFT 80 in Paramecium .
intraflagellar transport,cilia construction
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