
A Randomized, Single-Dose, Parallel-Controlled Phase I Clinical Comparison of an Omalizumab Biosimilar Candidate with Reference Omalizumab in Healthy Chinese Male Volunteers

Jie Cheng, Chenguang Wang, Jin Xu, Chunyang Zhao,Rong Song,Yijun Wang,Yang Zou,Xunmin Zhang, Yong Shan,Jian Zhou,Jing-Ying Jia

Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development(2023)

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This study evaluated the bioequivalence of omalizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against immunoglobulin-E (IgE), with one of its biosimilar candidates. The study was designed as a randomized, double-blind, parallel-controlled trial. A total of subjects who met the inclusion criteria and did not meet the exclusion criteria were dynamically randomly assigned to receive the test drug or the reference drug with a single subcutaneous injection of 150 mg by the minimization method. The test group and the reference group had similar demographic characteristics and baseline characteristics of total IgE. The 90% confidence interval of the geometric average ratio of the area under the serum concentration-time curve from the time 0 to the time of last quantifiable concentration, the area under the serum concentration curve from time 0 to infinity, and the maximum observed serum concentration between the 2 groups were within 80%-125%, showing bioequivalence. The changing trend of total and free IgE in the 2 groups was similar after administration, proving the pharmacodynamic similarity. The 2 groups had no significant difference in the positive rate of antidrug antibodies, and the total positive rate of neutralizing antibodies was 0. The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events and treatment-related adverse events were similar between the 2 groups, with no serious adverse events. This study shows that the test drug had similar pharmacokinetics, immunogenicity, and safety to the reference omalizumab in healthy male subjects.
bioequivalence,clinical trials,immunogenicity,omalizumab,pharmacodynamics,pharmacokinetics,safety
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