TSPvis: A Temperature Sensitive Paint Formulation Visual Design System

2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI)(2023)

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The composition and proportion parameters of temperature sensitive paint formulation are complex. The current methods have a long development cycle and low efficiency. We design a visual formulation design system for temperature sensitive paint, helps desingers use historical data to improve the efficiency of formulation design. TSPvis provides a visual formulation design function, implements the proportion decision of formulation based on decision tree, and recommends reference for ingredients proportion to the formulation designer. We use the DPC clustering algorithm to quickly obtain the radial basis center, and use the Adam algorithm to improve the weight calculation from the hidden layer to the output layer, to improve RBF neural network. TSPvis use this RBF as a model to predict performance of the formulation which designed before, and feeds back to the designer to improve the formulation designing of temperature sensitive paint.
temperature sensitive paint,visual formulation design,decision tree,RBF
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