Indoor Building Room Navigation Using Augmented Reality and SLAM Method (Case Study: Politeknik Negeri Malang)
2023 14th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS)(2023)
This study built an indoor navigation application using augmented reality and SLAM algorithm. Navigation is used to find a way to some place, especially in a building. Because in some cases, a regular sign cannot give clear information about the place in an indoor room. GPS can be used as a tool to locate a place, but based on the previous research, there was an accuracy problem in finding the position of the indoor building room. This study uses SLAM method to map the real location into a virtual 3D environment so the room information can be shown with augmented reality. The prototype of the application was tested on the building of Politeknik Negeri Malang. It used to find each indoor room of two buildings. From the testing conducted, the accuracy of indoor building room navigation finding is 90% and can be concluded that SLAM method can be the solution to the accuracy problem of GPS to navigate in indoor building rooms.
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Augmented reality,indoor navigation,SLAM method,wayfinding
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