nbi: the Astronomer's Package for Neural Posterior Estimation

Keming Zhang,Joshua Bloom, Stéfan van der Walt, Nina Hernitschek


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Despite the promise of Neural Posterior Estimation (NPE) methods in astronomy, the adaptation of NPE into the routine inference workflow has been slow. We identify three critical issues: the need for custom featurizer networks tailored to the observed data, the inference inexactness, and the under-specification of physical forward models. To address the first two issues, we introduce a new framework and open-source software nbi (Neural Bayesian Inference), which supports both amortized and sequential NPE. First, nbi provides built-in "featurizer" networks with demonstrated efficacy on sequential data, such as light curve and spectra, thus obviating the need for this customization on the user end. Second, we introduce a modified algorithm SNPE-IS, which facilities asymptotically exact inference by using the surrogate posterior under NPE only as a proposal distribution for importance sampling. These features allow nbi to be applied off-the-shelf to astronomical inference problems involving light curves and spectra. We discuss how nbi may serve as an effective alternative to existing methods such as Nested Sampling. Our package is at https://github.com/kmzzhang/nbi.
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