
A Novel Rhabdovirus Detected in Anisakis Larvae Distributed in the Coastal Areas of Japan: Viral Genome Analysis and Possible Coevolutionary Relationship Between Virus and Host Nematodes.

Kana Sugimoto,Daisuke Kobayashi, Shigeru Ohshima, Masaki Imai,Nobuo Ohta

Parasitology international(2024)

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In the last decade, it has become evident that various RNA viruses infect helminths including Order Ascaridida. However, there is still no information available for viruses infecting Anisakis. We herewith demonstrate the presence of a novel rhabdovirus from Anisakis larvae detected by next-generation sequencing analysis and following RT-PCR. We determined the nearly all nucleotide sequence (12,376 nucleotides) of the viral genome composed of seven open reading frames, and we designated the virus as Suzukana rhabdo-like virus (SkRV). BLASTx search indicated that SkRV is a novel virus belonging to the subfamily Betanemrhavirus, rhabdovirus infecting parasitic nematodes of the Order Ascaridida. SkRV sequence was detectable only in the total RNA but not in the genomic DNA of Anisakis, ruling out the possibility of SkRV being an endogenous viral element incorporated into the host genomic DNA. When we individually tested Anisakis larvae obtained from Scomber japonicus migrating in the coastal waters of Japan, not all but around 40% were SkRV-positive. In the phylogenetic trees of Betanemrhavirus and of the host Ascaridida nematodes, we observed that evolutional distances of viruses were, to some extent, parallel with that of host nematodes, suggesting that viral evolution could have been correlated with evolution of the host. Although biological significance of SkRV on Anisakis larvae is still remained unknown, it is interesting if SkRV were somehow related to the pathogenesis of anisakiasis, because it is important matter of public health in Japan and European countries consuming raw marine fishes.
Anisakis,Next -generation sequencer,Rhabdovirus,RT-PCR,Evolution
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